Tag Archives: ARK Tarps


Don’t Let Your Tarps Go Down Without a Fight! 5 Ways to Prevent Tarp Failures Are you tired of constantly replacing your tarps because they keep failing or tearing? Look no further than ARK Tarps for high-quality, durable tarps that will stand the test of time. But even the best tarps can’t last forever if …


As the temperature starts to drop and winter sets  in, it’s time to start thinking about winterizing your outdoor furniture. Cold weather, freezing rain, and frost all affect your outdoor chairs, tables, loungers, and more. So, prep now to ensure  everything is ready to go when the warm weather is back! How to Prepare Outdoor …


Renovations is one of those projects that if not urgent can be put off for months or even years. The holiday period is perfect for noticing those small things that we can ‘fix up’ around the house. From basic everyday projects to large scale renovations, no matter what scale, you will need to get strong …


How to Tarp a Roof

In the aftermath of a natural disaster such as a severe storm, your roof can spring a leak or get damaged and it is important to rectify it immediately. If your roof does get damaged during a storm, you can prevent further damage by temporarily protecting your home with an ARK Industrial Strength Tarp. This …


What are Heavy Duty Tarps? Before listing five ways to use Heavy Duty Tarps an explanation of what they are exactly is needed. The reason our customers love the Heavy Duty Tarps is because they are lightweight, yet provide superior strength, durability and waterproofness. The tarps are completely waterproof due to their construction out of …


In today’s technologically driven world, it’s nice to get outside and be one with nature. While for many, camping is a fun way to spend a weekend, other struggle to find their inner zen in the outdoors. In order for camping to be the most enjoyable, it often takes a lot of preparation. You have …

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